Saturday, June 29, 2013

6/25/2013. 14 WEEK UPDATE

Here we are at 14 weeks already.  I can honestly say the best thing I did this year was drip irrigation, it has already saved me tons of time and money on my water bill.

  As I have been quite busy playing with my college grad daughter and buying a 5000 piece record collection for the record store, I have had very little time to garden. These pics show what my garden looks like after 2 to 3 weeks of no weeding. The small amount of weeds is unheard of this time of year. 

   My trees are growing great. Only a bit of apricots this year but it is their first year hopefully we will have a harvest next year. 
 My Teepees, well they suck. I take that back, so far they suck. I have to remember it is still early and they grew best in July / Aug of last year. I am getting lots of green beans and tons of cucumbers but the plants are small and not climbing. 

 It is easy to be impatient with the garden this time of year. Everything is " almost" ready. I will say there is cherry tomatoes growing on the corner of each one and they are already monsters . 

 My "Three sisters " planting is growing great guns , looks kind of cool. The squash is slow to grow but I think if I give them more water that might help as the drip is next to the corn.
 The watermelon and cantaloupe are baseball size. Fun way to plant these items .
Well my corn is now as high as an elephants eye. In fact the last block I planted is as high as a giraffes  eye. The first block is almost ready to pick. I do have an issue with aphids and ants on the outsides of the ears but "fingers crossed " no cutworms.
 My grapes are also almost there. Lots of things are almost there. Not sure when they are ripe because I do realize the grapes you get in the store are huge . I also thought I purchased a red grape but see none of those in the canopy so maybe I have all white .No problem though as I do like all grapes. Erik keeps asking me when I'm making grape jelly . Haha ,yeah right.

The main garden is coming along. Still have slow growth on that section of peppers. The interesting thing this year is with the drip the plants are not growing as fast as they have in the past but I am getting a good amount of produce. I think this area having been used for 5 years is finally in need of some nitrogen.
Talk about frustrated. A gopher got my artichoke. Yes the artichoke that was growing great guns. I don't blame the cat this time as there are no holes in the yard and when I pulled up the plant the hole is coming from the neighbors yard. Yes the little buggers are tunneling to my yard.  I will definitely use a gopher cage on my next planting. And will plant some gopher purge over there.

The second garden is going great guns. My Roma tomatoes on the fence are huge and have lots of tomatoes "almost" there. This is the first planting on this section. You can tell the years of horse doodoo have created a monster.
The citrus is blooming and or starting to produce.
And I have officially stopped purchasing onion.
All in all things are going great. I have been fighting ant wars and the aphids have finally found their way to the garden. I have had some top leaves munched by huge grasshoppers but its not too bad, yet.

 I have already started to experiment with pickling. More on that later. Its going to be 106 today !!!! Some extra water is in order.

Friday, June 14, 2013

It's cooking time!!! Quacatillo anyone ?

  The gardening process is great fun but what keeps me going is the harvesting and of course makin stuff !!! 
  As my tomatillos are going gangbusters I figured a little quacatillo sauce was in order. If you have never has quacatillo it is definitely something to try. Kind of a ramped up sweet guacamole.
 Almost everything came from the garden. The exception being the avocado and lime. Hopefully next year as they are pulling through.
   Basically It takes 8 to 10 tomatillos, a small onion, some cilantro, jalapeƱo peppers,a clove of garlic, 1 to 2 large avocados and lime or lemon juice.
 In the past I have just blended them in the food processor, my trusty Ninja. However this year I grilled them over the barbecue. the smoky flavor adds a lot to the taste and the tomatillos have a sweeter more robust flavor that way.  
  Put it all in the blender with the juice of a lemon or lime and blend away. Soooo easy.  I also add an extra cubed avocado to the end product as we like chunks of avocado and they are ample in California.  
   Mmmm. Nachos  for dinner tonight !!!!!