Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Six week update....

   All in all I would say I'm pleased with the garden progress this year. The tree bark and straw mulching coupled with the drip irrigation has saved me hours of back breaking weeding. Plus I am watering an additional 5 new trees ,100 foot of fence planting and the roses while saving $ 30 dollars a month on my water bill.  Can't beat that.   
    The Teepees are coming along great. I originally planted with "The Babies" started in January. The beans did great but I was not so pleased with the cucumbers as they were started way too early and were too leggy and weak. I did replace them with store bought cucumbers. Next year I will probably just start them outside in the ground. 

    Here's another view of the mini orchard I have 2 more tree spots. I may just throw caution to the wind and try a Mango. I was waiting to see how the trees would do this year .Looks like I'm good to go with 2 more. I want to keep them smallish as there are only two of us and I'm not a fan of tree trimming or rotten fruit clean up. 

 At the request of my husband I'm trying corn this year. About 20 years ago I planted a section that grew great guns. I was so excited. when it came time to harvest I found Corn Worms had ruined it all. Well I will try it again. this crop has taken the best to drip irrigation. I planted 3 sections  about 2 weeks apart. The plants are a foot apart and I will thin to one plant once they have all germinated. Anyone with a plan to keep them safe of ear worms is appreciated. As you can see my wall of berries is also doing well .

   It's year two for the grapes and raspberries. As you can see they are doing well. I'm sure it is the increased water with the drip system coupled with the fact they are older. I have tons of baby grapes. It will hurt to pinch  some of the fruit but I know it needs to be done. I think Grape Girl needs to be rescued and given a Grape Boy.

 In the main garden I deemed the plants big enough to put down the straw mulch. Last year was my first year of mulching with straw. I put down newspaper and with about 2 to 3 inches of straw. For  $8 and about 2 hours of work I saved many hours of weeding. It overwintered great. According to Mother Earth News you should not till the next year. Just let the microbes and other earth bugs do their stuff. Well less work for me sounds great. I did  not till just planted.  We shall see how the earth helpers do.
   I did alright with "The Babies". Both the Roma And Beefsteak tomatoes are growing well. My squash did ok. I kind of jumped the gun and bought 3 zucchini plants but I don't think I needed too. 
   The peppers did not fair so well. My jalapenos died. Rotted actually as the drip was just too much for them. And the colored bells are limping along. I am also having problems with my store bought Anaheim's. I think they need more heat or they just don't like the drip. We shall see as I have grown them for years and have a mind of their own.
 My asparagus is growing. Not sure if it is doing well or not as I have never grown it but it is alive. Also not sure if I should straw mulch it or not. Maybe someone out there in cyberspace knows. My artichokes are doing great. Time to mulch these too . I will be putting some earwig traps next to these as the are the Earwigs favorite place to live.
Just another view!!

  I lost my orange tree and the lime is limping along. Just too small to make it through the frosts. I did get another lime. Lemons and limes are an important part of my cooking .The onion are doing great. Kind of freaked my husband out that I planted so many. Hopefully I will have some to store.

  And yes, NO white flies yet. I know they are in the yard as they are on the roses. All vegetable gardeners should get roses. They are great pest barometers.  

  On a final note. I'm not so sure starting early works. Its fun to try  but Mother Nature knows when to let things grow. I don't think I'm  any further ahead as it seems I was at this same level of growth last year.

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