Every morning I walk the garden at sunrise. Birds sound the new beginning of a day. Walking through the mist the grand possibilities of what lie ahead inspires me.
Then I come to the Anaheim chills. I can hear the deafening scratch of the recording in my head. SCREEEEEECH !!! If you are over the age of 25 it should be a familiar sound. What the hell is up with these peppers !!!!!!
All of them have a pale greenish yellow gross death look. They are ill. Nitrogen ill, too much water ill, the rare Anaheim Chiliosis Rot Fungus Virus, hell I don't know... Why I'm stressing over $3 worth of plants boggles my mind even more. The rest of my peppers, the potatoes, and of course the zucchini are fine.
This morning it hit me. I'm blaming the Mother Earth news. Why because I'm kind of embarrassed to admit its probably my fault. I followed their no till advice. Not that it was bad advice but in the past I have always supplemented each plant with a bit of organic planting mix. I like the one with bat guano. Just because I find it odd and kind of funny they make such a big deal about having bat guano in the mix.
Well just because they told me not to till, I should have given my plants a bit of bat guano. So that's what I postulate..It's off to the nursery for bat guano and $3 worth of Anaheim chili's.
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