During my morning garden walk I noticed these puppies growing up through my mulch. they were easy enough to remove and localized to one spot but what the hell were they. Having studied Agriculture 30 years ago I pride myself on my knowledge of weeds. I may not know botanical names anymore but I know their growth habits and how to control each one.
It definitely looked familiar but why was it growing in my mulch. What could break through the 3" layer that was never on my property before. I went to go plant some small perennials I bought for the hummingbird garden and there they were again. WHAT THE HELL WERE THESE THINGS ????
Then it hit me. They looked like palm tree seedlings . The mulch I used was from the trees they cut down on the side of the property. There was a 20 foot tall dead Palm tree in the mix. these seeds must have laid dormant for way over 10 years just waiting for some water to sprout. I believe I will pot some up. Anyone need a palm tree in about five years?
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