Friday, January 10, 2014

Pickles anyone?

 I grew 2 types of cucumbers this year. A regular one, sorry don't remember the name, and Armenian cucumbers. The Armenian cucumber, also called the snake cucumber,  is an interesting variety. They grow to 24" long and are approximately  2" wide. Mine never really grew that long as I would pick them early when they are firm.

This was the year of the pickle experiment. Above was my first try. It was a countertop brewing method. Didn't really care for it as the pickles were cloudy and that freaked me out. I'm a big botulism scardy-cat. The taste was alright but I eventually found a refrigerator pickle that was more suited me.  
I used the Armenian cucumber the most. As I am the only pickle eater in the household now, miss you Erin, I would make them in pint jars and slice them in chips. The Armenian pickle was small in diameter and very firm so it was best suited to the smaller jar. It was so fast and easy to make I would make 2 per week and always have pickles that were ready .

Refrigerator Kosher Dill Pickles
5.0 7                                     

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