Saturday, July 28, 2018

Feeling HOT HOT HOT !!!!

 So your a goose and its 112 degrees. What do you do? You hang at the pool of course.  Mother goose and Blowie  have been living the good life during this heat wave. They spend most of their days at the pool just watching the world go by .The sun never hits underneath Doug , our first Christmas tree, and we keep it plenty wet to cool the area.  Heck they even sleep in there. 
 My peach tree however is a different story. I'm not sure she will make it.  She was first disabled by the late February frost. All of her spring growth died and she was forced back into dormancy. That was ok though as she woke up a couple months later. No fruit but heck at least her leaves returned.
   Then the 122 degree heat wave  came and  almost all of her leaves died.  This last heat wave did not help either.  My only hope is the root stock is still alive as she is growing suckers. I'm not sure if I should remove them or not.   I guess I will giver her her space and see what happens next Spring.

  My poor Raspberries have taken a beating too. The same forces of nature are wreaking havoc on them. I will say they are fighting back as there is a lot of new growth. 
I did run out and harvest my grapes . A little early as the sugars are not quite there but so much sugar is in grape jam I doubt it will make a difference. I left some on the vines and they are not drying up yet. We do however have at least a week of 100 degrees or better left of this heat wave so we shall see.
 I harvested some peppers a little early too. better small than sunburned I guess.  My blooms are still hanging in there so hopefully the heat wont affect my next crop  .

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