I grow and use ALOT of Cilantro . As I live in a warm climate it does have a tendency to bolt. I find if I cut it back often and keep it small I get the best results. The only problem with that is when the warm spells hit , the small plants bolt instantly. Not good for seed production. The seeds of the cilantro are called Coriander. A spice I rarely use. It is nice however to have some around.
This year however things got crazy and my cilantro grew 4 feet tall. I waited until they turned brown and had lots of seeds . Hanging them outside in 122 degree weather finished them off.
Harvesting these seeds can be an arduous task . As I have a slight bit of ADD I am not typically a seed harvester and saver. For my Coriander seeds I cut off the tops and rub them off with my hands. Using a large hole colander I shake the seeds into a box.
I shake the larger heavier seeds to the bottom. As you can see this technique is best done in your pajamas. I love gardening in my pajamas.
Here was my harvest. Just enough seeds for replanting and cooking with for at least a year. I use the mini mason jars for all my spices . These jars are the best. I also use them for canning salsa as its just my husband and me. Perfect amount for one meal
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